WOW 2025
williamstown beach
registrations now open
registrations now open
The Williamstown Open Water Championship is Victoria’s world class, championship distance, open water swim event.
it’s open to everyone – champions, weekend warriors, kids, multiclass, fast, slow, young and old!
Past winners at Williamstown include 2015 World Champion Jordan Wilimovsky, Team USA’s Katy Campbell, Australian Dolphin Sam Sheppard and Brazilian Olympian Lisandra De Carvalho.
proudly run by the Williamstown Swimming and Life Saving Club, swimmers can choose from a range of swim distances, and all funds raised are donated to not-for-profit organisations.
UPON arriving at the beach, please proceed directly to the Registration desk. Here you will be issued with your cap, and an event t-shirt, and then your timing band.
If you would like to leave items with us on race day for the duration of your swim, you can do so at registration. We will take all measures to ensure the safety of your belongings, but please be aware that the Williamstown Swimming and Life Saving Club are not liable for loss of property left in bag drop.
From 8:00am: 1.2km
Order: Male, Female, Junior, mass starts.
From 8:30am: 10km - wetsuit division
Rolling starts: Mixed gender, all age groups.
From 8:40am: 10km - non-wetsuit division
Rolling starts: Mixed gender, all age groups.
From 8:50am: 5km
Rolling starts: mixed gender, all age groups.
From 9:15am: 2.5km
Rolling starts: mixed gender, all age groups.
Start and Finish times will be recorded via the Tomato Timing band system supplied on the day, and publish as soon as possible after the event is completed. -
It is important to observe your allocated start window. Every effort will be made to get everyone into the water punctually.
10km, 5km, and 2.5km starts will be in groups of 5 at 10 second intervals. 1.2km events will be in mass starts.
Start times will be taken from the supplied timing band as you cross the electronic start line. This event is a beach start only. Exceptions may be requested in writing to registrations@williamstownslsc.org.au
A safety briefing will be available on the WOW Challenge website from 5pm on Wednesday February 22. It is your responsibility to view this briefing and familiarise yourself with the course. Live briefings will not be available on the day.
A feeding platform will be in place in the water for those requiring mid-swim nutrition. It will be supervised only – no official feeding assistance will be offered to competitors.
Please secure your nutrition to the platform in a mesh bag, clearly marked with your name. Anyone observed interfering with, moving, or removing articles belonging to another competitor, will be requested to leave the water immediately. A DSQ or DNF may be recorded.
You must pass under the FINISH arch on the beach to obtain a race time. Please then remove your timing band and place it in one of the bins supplied.

course briefing video
6 minute video SAVED on GOOGLE DRIVE