WOW Volunteers

Volunteer for the WOW Challenge Swim


We Welcome to our New and Existing Members!!  It’s that time of the year we would love all our members young and old to get involved in our club’s biggest fundraiser on Sunday 3rd March 2023.   This is a great way to meet new friends and members and as the saying goes, many hands make light work to continue to make our WOW Challenge the best open water swim event of the season!!


We welcome and encourage everyone to be a part of all the action and fun of the WOW Challenge, we have varied roles to suit all skills and time availability. With your help we will make this event a special day. Please use the link below to sign up on our Volunteer roster: A829A4F94-volunteer3  


For Water Safety Volunteers we ask that you access the following link and give details about the role you are able/qualified to do: 


If you would like more information on your role we will be holding a Volunteer Briefing on Wednesday 1st March at 6.30pm.  we will be hosting a Volunteer Briefing. Volunteer t-shirts will be available for collection at either the volunteer briefing where your Area Manager will be happy to brief you on any role you have signed up for or you can see our Volunteer Coordinator near the steps of the Life Saving Club on the day to collect – the shirts are still the same so if you still have last year’s at the back of the cupboard somewhere you can reuse it! Please note that all volunteers should have a Working With Children Check.

IF YOU ARE SWIMMING on the day enjoy, but please consider volunteering for one of the early, later or pre-event volunteer roles that don’t clash with your event. We also welcome anyone who would like to volunteer for more than 1 role!

Thank you and see you on the beach!

The WOW Challenge Committee